January 19, 2016
introduction, technology defined, some basic issues in the sociological study of technology
Miller, “As Robots Grow Smarter, American Workers Struggle to Keep Up”
January 21, 2016
sociotechnical change as the quiddity of contemporary societies
January 26, 2016
an extended definition
Kline, “What is Technology?”
January 28, 2016
dependence, capitalism, systems of systems
Gordon, “The Death of Innovation, the End of Growth”
February 2, 2016
determinism, autonomy, momentum
Bijker, “Toward a Theory of Sociotechnical Change”
February 4, 2016
the SCOT perspective, with particular attention to the automobile
Norton, “Street Rivals”
Winner, “Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding it Empty”
February 9, 2016
rationality and the technological mindset
Wernick, “Declaring an Open Season on the Wisdom of the Ages”
February 11, 2016
politics: how artifacts can be political
Winner, “Do Artifacts Have Politics?”
February 16, 2016
politics: surveillance
Foucault, Panopticism
Holley, “The Elf on the Shelf is Preparing Your Child to Live in a Future Police State…”
February 18, 2016
politics: resistance
Kline, “Resisting Consumer Technology…”
February 23, 2016
diffusion, economics, cultural lag
Sharp, “Steel Axes for Stone-Age Australians”
February 25, 2016
gunpowder: where it came from, why it blows up
March 1, 2016
gunpowder: the Renaissance and the American Civil War
Miodownik, “Fundamental”
March 3, 2016
gunpowder: firearms in contemporary American culture
March 8, 2016
review for midterm, discussion of big project assignment
March 10, 2016
midterm exam
March 15-17, 2016
spring break
March 22, 2016
clocks: where they came from, and why that’s not China
March 24, 2016
clocks: the quest for longitude
Tattersall, “If I Had a Hammer”
March 29, 2016
evolution: social science is evolutionary science
Hawks, “Still Evolving…”
March 31, 2016
evolution: culture trumps instinct
April 5, 2016
evolution: what’s “progress”? what’s “natural”?
Diaz, “Enough is Enough: A Thinking Ape’s Critique of Trans-Simianism”
April 7, 2016
evolution: variation, selection, heredity
April 12, 2016
tool use in animals
April 14, 2016
medicalization of childbirth
Helmuth, “The Disturbing, Shameful History of Childbirth Deaths”
Davis, “Drunken Midwives and Snooty Surgeons: A Short History of Giving Birth”
April 19, 2016
student presentations of big projects
April 21, 2016
sociocultural evolution?
Dawkins, “Memes: The New Replicators”
April 26, 2016
technology and gender
Wajcman, “Feminist Perspectives on Technology”
Cowan, “The Industrial Revolution in the Home”
April 28, 2016
conclusion: salvaging the Enlightenment project
May 10, 2016
final exam 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
(Someone will have a conflict – check your other final times now.)