Just last week we were taking solace in the fact that at least “intelligent” computers couldn’t beat us at go, even if they can beat us at chess. Now they can beat us at go.
Or maybe growth is not over
Here’s a bullish rebuttal to some of the ideas in Gordon’s “end of growth” thesis from MIT’s Erik Brynjolfsson. Note in particular his emphasis on growth that is not counted in official economic metrics simply because it makes products that are distributed for free. Brynjolfsson also points out the disruption to the job market as we adjust to new technologies.
Intelligence and technology
Animal intelligence is one absolute limit on the ability to make tools. This story in the New York Times (with cool videos) is relevant to our discussion coming later in the semester about intelligence, relative brain size, and tool use in humans and other animals. Here, the animals are not making tools. But notice that they are manipulating objects more successfully in captivity than they do in the wild. A similar pattern is seen with tool use.
Robots falling over, stealing jobs
Here’s a pessimistic piece at MSN.com about robots getting our human jobs (which you’ll recall is the topic of our first little assignment, due 1/26/16). To make yourself feel better at that glum prospect, here is a video of robots falling down:
Here is your first little assignment.
Read the article below and then write a two page (typed, double spaced) reaction paper. Are you worried about robots getting your job after college? Due at the beginning of class January 26. Worth 10 points.
As Robots Grow Smarter, American Workers Struggle to Keep Up – NYTimes.com.
Just for fun…
Watch Louis C.K. comment on how we take modern technology for granted.